This documentation will teach you how to use two different linkit tools available to you. You will also learn about the types of links.

There are 2 ways to add a link:

  1. Use the simple LinkIt tool to add a URL you will paste or type into the Link URL field.

  2. Use the advanced LinkIt Tool to do the same as option 1 above, OR you can choose a link to content that is internal to your MyLO site (i.e. your Calendar).

USE THE (ADVANCED) LINKIT TOOL TO LINK TO INTERNAL CONTENT (your pages, events, articles, positions, etc.)

Need to create a hyperlink from one page to another? Are you linking to one of your own MyLO pages? Or maybe to another League on MyLO? You can easily copy and paste the destination link/URL into the page and edit the link title directly from the text box. You can also use the advanced LinkIt Tool to search for existing MyLO content to link to from your MyLO site. Follow these steps to plug in your link.

  1. Start a "New Draft" of the page you'd like to add the link to/where the link will display (or "Edit Draft" if there is an existing draft).
  2. Add a section header (if needed). Place your cursor anywhere inside the Body text box where you'd link the link to be placed. If linking text or image, highlight the word/phrase/image with your cursor.
  3. Use the "Link to content" icon to paste your link.
  4. The LinkIt window appears; paste your link into "Link URL".
    • Options: Here you can choose for the link to open in a new tab. There are 4 options listed here, but only 2 will be of use to you:
      • New window (_blank): opens link in a new tab
      • Same window (_self): opens link in current tab (if you choose no option, this will be the default setting)
    • NOTE: If your link is internal to MyLO, you can use the LinkIt Tool's search function (titled Find Content) to search for the correct MyLO content. This search function will only search within your League's MyLO content. And remember, content is the items you create using the MyLO platform, such as:
      • articles
      • action alerts
      • committees
      • calendar events
      • pages
      • positions
      • slideshow items
      • webforms
  5. Once you find the proper content in your site you want to link to, click "Insert Link".
  6. The URL will successfully drop into the Body text box.
    • Note: the full URL will appear, but you will edit the text in the next step.
  7. Place your cursor anywhere between the first and last letters of the URL.
  8. Start typing your new URL/Link title (red text below).
  9. Delete (DON'T backspace) the undesired text (the original URL).
  10. Publishing Options: 
    • Promoted to front page: checking this box will display a preview of the action alert. The summary displays at this point on the homepage. If you do NOT add your own customized summary, the first few lines will automatically be taken as the preview on the homepage.
    • MODERATION STATE: If you are happy with your changes, set this state to Published. 
  11. Click Save.

Use the Simple Linkit Tool for all other hyperlinks

We have now added a simple LinkIt tool. The name of this button is Insert/Edit Link.

This new tool is the alternative to the advanced LinkIt Tool (the "Link to content" button referred to above). With this simplified tool, you will need to have the URL you are linking to handy and ready to paste into the appropriate field. 

  1. With your destination URL copied to your clipboard (or somewhere you can easily access it), start a "New Draft" of the page you'd like to add the link to/where the link will display (or "Edit Draft" if there is an existing draft).
  2. In the Body text box, type in the title of the link you wish to create. 
  3. Using your cursor, highlight the entirety of the title you just typed in.
  4. With the phrase highlighted, click the Insert/Edit Link button (circled in red above).
  5. In the Insert/Edit Link window that pops up, fill out the fields as follows:
    1. Insert Link: add/paste your destination URL here.
    2. Target: you can choose to have the destination URL open in the same internet browser tab, or it can open in a new internet browser tab. By default, the system will recognize links that are internal to MyLO and these will open in the same internet browser tab. Conversely, it will push unfamiliar links to be opened in a new internet browser tab. Check out the buttons on this pagefor an example of the default target settings for each type of destination link.
    3. Title: the text added here will appear when a visitor hovers over this link.
    4. Class: these options are the same options offered from the Styles list in the formatting toolbar. Check out our documentation on Sample Formattingto see examples of these styles.
  6. Once you've added at the very least the Link URL, click Insert to drop the link into your Body text box.
  7. Your title phrase has now become a link. When you place your cursor anywhere near your newly created link, your formatting toolbar will look like this:
    • When the Unlink button (the "broken chain" icon) and the Insert/Edit Link button are highlighted like this, this indicates that text your cursor is next to is an active link.
  8. Publishing Options
    • Promoted to front page: checking this box will display a preview of the action alert. The summary displays at this point on the homepage. If you do NOT add your own customized summary, the first few lines will automatically be taken as the preview on the homepage.
    • MODERATION STATE: If you are happy with your changes, set this state to Published. 
  9. Click Save.


There are four types of links that you may commonly use:

  • Internal: this a link to content in your site. Note that all content in MyLO, even if from another League, is considered "internal." These links usually do not use the full URL, and often start with /. What follows the backslash is usually the part of the URL that does not include the domain name. These are usually called "paths" rather than "URLs".
  • External: a link to content elsewhere on the web. A full URL, including http:// or https:// is needed.
  • Mailto: an email link that will open the user's email application with the to: field already filled out. 
    • Email addresses will turn into a link automatically by the MyLO system once you save your content. You can manually add the link to an email address, too. 
    • To do this yourself, follow the steps below; when you reach step 5, your Target needs to be written as (i.e.
  • Telephone: these links, when clicked, will initiate a phone call (either through VoIP on a computer, or through the phone on a mobile device). 
    • You must manually add the link to a telephone number to activate the click-to-call feature. 
    • To do this yourself, follow the steps below; when you reach step 5, your Target should be written as tel:CountryCode-FullPhoneNumberIncludingAreaCode (i.e. tel:+1-123-456-7890).