You can turn your images into links to make your MyLO pages pop!

Add a Link to an Image

  1. Begin on the page you'd like to edit.
    • i.e. I'm adding an image to the Join page, so I began on the Join page.
  2. Click "New Draft" or "Edit Draft."
  3. Scroll to the Body text box & place your cursor where you'd like the image to be placed.
  4. Click the Media browser icon to open the Media Library browser window. 
  5. Once you've uploaded or chosen an image, click Submit so the image will plug into the Body text box.
  6. OPTIONAL FORMATTING: Use the Styles drop down list to change the image's position on the page (i.e. Center, Right justify).
  7. With the image highlighted, click the Link to content icon. This will open the LinkIt browser window.
    1. USER TIP: Use the Insert/Edit Link button to add a simple URL that you already have copied to your clipboard. Refer to the last section in this documentation for tips on linking to an internal page.
  8. In the Link URL field, paste the website URL that the image will link to.
    • USER TIP: Include the "https://" or "http://" at the beginning of the URL. This notifies the system that the link is external to MyLO.
  9. Click Options to open the drop-down of additional fields.
  10. Open the drop-down list to the right of Target. This will determine the target window for this link.
  11. Choose New window (_blank). This will open the link in a new tab.
  12. Click Insert Link to add link to image.
  13. Save your changes in Draft Mode, leaving the Moderation State as-is.
  14. Now you will test the linked image. If the link works correctly, scroll to the bottom of the page & click Apply to publish your changes.
  15. You've successfully linked an image!



  • Copy the page URL to your clipboard and use the simple LinkIt Tool. 
    1. USER TIP: For each internal MyLO URL, there is a complementary node ID (e.g. converts itself to Because changing the title of a page (or piece of content) will alter the page URL, this node ID is preferred when linking to a page as it remains constant. 
    2. What is a node ID? Each piece of content added to a MyLO website is a node, and each node has a unique ID. This unique ID is referred to as the node ID.
    3. How to find a node ID: To find the node ID of a particular node/piece of content, go to the edit page (New Draft or Edit Draft) for that node. The URL of the edit page for each node looks like, where NID is a number which is the node ID. For example, in the URL the node ID is 8338.

There are 2 attachments; each file holds the same content/instructions. The only difference between the 2 is the file format: the 1st is a PDF, the 2nd is an image (jpg).