There are 5 dynamic view pages that come default with each MyLO site. These behave differently than other pages because as you create content, it will dynamically aggregate in one place and provide a feed. These view pages include:

  1. Positions view page
  2. Calendar view page
  3. Articles view page
  4. Action Alerts view page
  5. Members Only view page

Because these view pages act as a feed, you cannot directly edit these "pages." You can, however, edit/add the header for each of these view pages. 

  1. To access the page to "Edit League Custom Headers," begin on 1 of any of the 5 view pages listed above. For example, open your League's calendar or positions view page to access the red link: Edit Your League's Headers.
  2. If you cannot locate this link, email the MyLO Team ( 
  3. Once you click that link open, you can make your changes to each header. The headers for each view page are all listed here.
  4. You can add text, images, links, and/or HTML.