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Form Settings

Form settings can be accessed by clicking the Webform tab, and then the Form Settings sub-tab. When creating a brand new webform, the form settings tab will appear only after saving your initial changes to the webform.  From the form settings tab, you can manage the following:

Confirmation Message

This visual text editor (WYSIWYG) instance allows you to build a custom message to be displayed when the form has been submitted; you can also set it to Full HTML to plug in HTML embed code (i.e. PayPal payment button HTML code). This section is also known as a “thank you” page. If left blank, the default message will display: Thank you, your submission has been received with a link back to the form.

Redirect Location

Determines where the user is sent after they have successfully submitted the form. By default, they are pointed to a page where they see the Confirmation Message, but you can change this to point to a custom URL. No redirect is also an option, but it is not recommended as it could confuse users to think the form was not submitted successfully.

Total Submissions Limit

Limit the total number of entries this form collects. If you limit the total number of submissions, you can specify the frequency of this limitation (i.e. every hour, every week). Otherwise, the default setting is unlimited submissions forever.

Per User Submission Limit

Limit the number of submissions per user. A user is identified by their username if logged in, or by their IP address and cookies if anonymous/an unauthenticated user. If you limit the total number of submissions, you can specify the frequency of this limitation (i.e. every hour, every week). Otherwise, the default setting is unlimited submissions per user forever.

Status of This Form

If set to closed, the form will no longer accept submissions. Closing a form will not break links to it, instead, visitors will see a message displayed to inform them the form is no longer accepting submissions.

Submission Access

Can be used to limit the form such that only authenticated or internal users can submit it. By default, the General Public and any League Member can submit an entry. The League Member role applies to any user signed into the site, regardless of other assigned roles. 

Progress Bar

This is turned on by default, but only appears on forms that have multiple pages. Can be configured with a variety of information such as whether progress displays by page number or percentage.

Preview Page

Adds a page users can review to double-check the form before submitting.

Show "Save Draft" Button

Allow your users to save and finish the form later. This option is available only for authenticated users.

Automatically Save as Daft Between Pages and When There are Validation Errors

Automatically save partial submissions when users click the "Next" or "Previous" buttons in a multipage form or when validation errors prevent form submission. This option is available only for authenticated users

Show Notification about Previous Submissions

Show the previous submissions notification that appears when users have previously submitted this form. This will not prevent the user from submitting again, but will notify of a duplication of entries.

Confidential Submissions

When checked, your webform will not collect the IP address a submission originated from. For this to work, the submitter can not be authenticated (the user must be logged out).

Submit Button Label

Allows you to override the submission button with a value other than “Submit”.

Next Submission Number

The value of the next submission number. This is usually 1 when you start and will go up with each form submission.

Source: Edited by MyLO Team.